Dear Members,
Due to the current situation with Covid-19, the Committee has decided that the AGM will be postponed until 6 October 2020. We are looking to combine the AGM with a lecture by our beloved Hazel Reeves on the same evening.
Please save the date - 6 October from 6 pm onwards
In the meantime, the Financial Year has been closed by our Finance Officer, Brian Briggs.
The figures are very positive yet again. This is due to our very successful exhibition year in 2019. The draft accounts will be published on the website in the Members Area in May 2020, but rest assured the Society is in a solid financial position to ride out this pandemic for as long as it takes.
In the meantime, a few changes have taken place within the Committee and the team around it. As you might already know, Seamus Cuddihy agreed to perform the role of Exhibition Coordinator at the end of last year. It has been a great relief finally to fill that vacancy.
Unfortunately, we will have to say goodbye to one of our longer standing members, David Paynter. He has served the Committee for more than ten years and his professionalism and positive character will surely be missed. David will step down on 16 May as Deputy Chair and Communications Coordinator. Fortunately, we have found Diana Pattenden willing to replace his role as Communication Coordinator. We welcomed her on Monday night during our first online Committee meeting. The role of Deputy Chair will be taken on by Nicholas Baker who will also continue as our Social Secretary.
Within the team of Associates, we are happy to introduce you to a few new faces:
Jo Walls has agreed to take on the role of Cognito Form Editor and Katie Netley will be part of the Social Team. All these lovely people have started their roles straight away, though of course, they will be officially proposed at the AGM in October 2020.
Last, but not least, mostly due to personal circumstances, I have to step down in October 2020. After 4.5 years as your Chair, it is about time that a fresh new wind should blow through the SSS family. I will prepare my speech as usual and I hope to see you all in person in October when all this madness will hopefully be in the past.
Please stay safe and sane; let your creativity be your sanctuary.
With warm greetings,