Veda Hallowes, An Artist Lecture 2017
Wednesday 14 June 2017
6:00 pm
£5 and Free to Surrey Sculpture Society members & students.
Veda came to sculpture relatively late, after a successful career in other fields. Her main body of work is based on organic shapes and the natural world of fruits, seeds, birds and butterflies. She has exhibited regularly at the Royal Academy.
Her fruits are a metaphor for the female figure with a sensual, subtle, twist and humour. The patinas are rich and individual. The object of Veda’s spill pieces is to engage the imagination - for the viewer to become creator, and delight in the impossible and fantastical. Veda will speak about her work, the many processes she uses and the inspiration behind her practice.
“For me, art is about enhancement and enrichment. Beauty, growth and greater understanding of life’s mysteries are the bedrock of my work.”
The Art Academy, 165a Borough High Street, Mermaid Court, London Bridge, SE1 1HR
165A Borough High St, London SE1 1HR, UK
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