3-part casting - Part 3 - “Filling the mould or the Cast” 2023
20 October 2023, 9:00am
44 Wolsey Rd, Ashford TW15 2RB, UK
Carol Orwin has been teaching and creating sculpture since 1973.
This demonstration will be about filling a mould, both by solid cast method and a hollow fibreglass fill.
Throughout the demonstration ideas and information regarding resin casting will be discussed. Polite
interruptions welcome!
Parking available in the road. Refreshments provided at ‘half time’.
- Those who attended Part 2 will get priority in booking.
-Any member can book without attending Part Two.
- The workshop will accommodate 14 people.
- Attendance is free to members.
A bonus after requests from members
Additionally, a brief discussion (with questions and answers) on how to run your own sculpture studio and
how to price your piece. This will be a loose format so please think of any questions you would like
Please contact Carol if you have any additional questions or requirements. carolorwin@gmail.com.
44 Wolsey Rd, Ashford TW15 2RB, UK