3-part casting - Part 4 - “De-moulding, Seams and preparing cast for patination" 2024
01 March 2024, 10:00am
44 Wolsey Road, Ashford, Surrey TW15 2RB, UK
Carol Orwin has been teaching and creating sculpture since 1973. This demonstration will be about finishing the cast, prior to patinating. Quick method for seam filling – tips on best practise, materials to use etc. How to get that ’invisible seam finish’.
To make this demo different I suggest you bring along a small piece to work on, or to show problems you
are having. Throughout the demonstration ideas and information regarding resin casting will be discussed. Polite interruptions welcome!
Participants: Those who attended Part 3 will get priority in booking. Any member can book without attending Part Three. The workshop will accommodate 14 people. Attendance is £10.00 to members. Refreshments provided at ‘half time’.
A bonus after requests from members: a brief discussion (with questions and answers) on how to run your own sculpture studio and how to price your piece. This will be a loose format so please think of any questions you would like answered!
44 Wolsey Road, Ashford, Surrey TW15 2RB, UK