Nicci Fairbank
Outdoors is where I feel most at home. I grew up on a farm in South Australia surrounded by vast horizons, big skies, a lot of animals and all the elements.
I have always hankered after the visual arts and all things creative. As a largely self taught artist I have endeavoured to explore different styles and mediums, having attended Heatherleys School of Art, and short courses at St Martins Central School of Art, West Dean College and other private artist practioners.
My art practice has until now taken a back seat to my large family and their busy lives. My work now concentrates on digital art and design, drawing in charcoal but most passionately metalwork and metal sculpture, drawing much inspiration from my own garden and nature. I find the physicality of working with metal and its various tools exhilarating and fun and the challenge of interpreting the delicacy of natural forms into metal forms infinitely satisfying.
A lifetime love of art has now realised itself and I feel I have finally found the medium I am at most one with.

Nicci Fairbank
07932 605087
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