Lynn Warren
My work is abstract rather than representational and often inspired by natural forms, whether plant, mineral or human. Some forms develop very organically, but frequently assume varying degrees of human gesture and emotion. I also enjoy the challenge of injecting life and strength into simple, mathematical forms, such as the Mobius, which has resulted in my continued fascination with the ‘Thought Series’ of sculptures. Many of my most recent projects have revolved around the use of circular armatures, exploring different outcomes and where the creative process can take me.
All my sculptures tend to be about mood and movement. Sometimes this can be quiet, contemplative and flowing and at other times it can suggest the boisterous ‘joie de vivre’ of more dancing forms. The strong, dramatic shapes can be resonant of earlier 20th century traditions but with a lighter, more modern twist and uplifting energy.
I work with a variety of clays, then either cast the final sculptures in my studio, using metal or stone resin with acid and wax finishes, or have them cast in foundry bronze.
I exhibit regularly, particularly in the South East.

Lynn Warren
East Grinstead, West Sussex
07825 252333
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