Angela Bishop
Art and music became an important part of Angela's curriculum at an early age at boarding school and maintained during her training as a nurse at Guys Hospital.
Angela's work is mainly figurative sculpture, inspired by the beauty and elegance of movement of the human form .
Her sculptures consist of commissions ( especially of children) and original works of her own design cast in different materials , ceramics, resins, bronze and glass.
The Church commissions have accepted her work for a Church in London. The Royal Society of Chemistry commissioned a study of Marie Currie.
The Mayor of Sevenoaks commissioned a statue for the Council's Chambers. The Royal Society of Miniatures have exhibited her work in Westminster and Mall Galleries. A 6 foot statue of Athena was commissioned for a garden at Hampton Court. In 1990 a sculpture of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother was accepted by her Majesty on her 90th birthday. She has exhibited in France (Paris) and America (Virginia)
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