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West Horsley Place 2024

An indoor, three-day fair at the superbly atmospheric West Horsley Place.


Friday 22 November 2024



Sunday 24 November 2024


West Horsley Place 2024

A truly unique venue, I challenge you to find a more fascinating house anywhere.

Please read all of the details and be confident that you can fulfil all the criteria, then submit your application.
We are not being overly proscriptive but there is no “wiggle room” for set up/take down dates or times and we have accepted the venue’s stipulations.

Application forms should be completed on-line via the Members’ Area on the website, as normal. We will be firm on application deadlines.
We will not have time to revert if applications are incomplete, so please ensure all details are present and correct.
If you are frustrated in any way then please contact us – the committee is here to help.

We are limited for space and anticipate we will be exhibiting a total of around 90 / 95 sculptures.
Artists may enter up to FIVE different pieces – see “unique format” paragraph.
An application form needs to be submitted for each piece, as normal.

Entry fees are £15.00 per exhibitor, NOT per piece, payment will be taken by GoCardless.
The reason for this is that we will have a “rolling selection” – see the “unique format” paragraph.

COMMISSION: Sales will be subject to an overall commission of 20% to SSS to cover all costs associated with the exhibition. Please include the commission fees in the price of the sculpture on the application form. This is the price that will be displayed on the exhibition label.

This is a relatively small indoor space which means selection will be necessary; selection will be made by the SSS exhibition organisers.
The layout of the exhibition and sculpture positions will be decided by the SSS exhibition organisers.
We aim to accept at least one piece from each artist however consideration will be given to the size of the work, media and subject matter to enable the exhibition space to reflect the range and breadth of work produced by the Society. Remember this is a selling show so work that has shown to sell, should be small/medium size.

Our exhibition space is on the first floor and the only access is via a staircase – it is a wide and robust flight but slight exertion is likely.
This is a precious historic building and we must all take extra care when carrying our works up the stairs. Last year there were a couple of dings and scrapes. These were noted by the venue management, and we are on notice that if it happens again then we’ll be excluded for 2025.

PLEASE take note of this and if you need help then ask!

Unlike most SSS shows the pieces will be for sale and then immediate removal by the purchaser.
This means that, as each sale is made, we will have an empty plinth that needs filling.
At this point, there are three scenarios that are open to us:
1. Where an artist has supplied additional numbers of a series or edition – we will simply replace the sold piece with the next one.
2. Where an artist has supplied five different pieces (assuming all were accepted by the SSS) – we will replace the sold one with another of that artist’s submissions.
3. If neither of the above apply, then we will replace the sold piece with a different artist’s work – solely to keep the exhibition “complete”.
We will have an area set aside for storage of these extra pieces however it will be the artist’s responsibility to ensure that these extra pieces are in a suitable wrapping/box/and LABELLED. We will take good care of your artwork but cannot accept liability for any damage that occurs.
Important note – we need all available sculptures to be delivered at the same time, on the Thursday 20th Nov.
If you have a question about this scenario then please contact us BEFORE submitting an application. We are here to make this as seamless, stress-free and successful as possible so don’t be shy.

There is no stipulation on the medium for the sculpture.
The minimum price of a sculpture to £50.
All pieces should be presented on a suitable, white plinth (artist supplied). The floor is old wooden boards – there is no option to interfere with these boards and so plinths must be robust and stable enough to accommodate your artwork. We suggest you bring anti-wobble devices – wedges!
Floor standing pieces can be considered on an Ad Hoc basis but this will be subject to the selection process.
We are not dictating the precise size of a sculpture but bear in mind this is an indoor show, on plinths and we are aiming to present pieces that could be taken away by the purchaser.
Please note, we may swap plinths between artists but only for optimal presentation or if section 3 of the “unique format” section applies.

Labels to go on the plinths with the title of the work, artist’s name and price will be provided to the on the set-up day, using the information provided on your application form. Remember all boxed/stored work must have it’s own label.

Artists must have their installation checked for safety before leaving the site.

We anticipate needing three stewards for each day of the show. Availability for stewarding is a pre-condition of acceptance so we suggest you ponder your calendar before applying.
This year we are using “DOODLE” online system to allocate our stewarding requirements. The link will be sent when you receive your acceptance notification. It is very simple to use and works on a first come, first served basis.
Sales will be made on-site via our usual iPad and system and artists will be paid promptly after the show has ended.
Stewards MUST attend the on-set up training in the use of the iPad system.

All work is displayed at the Artist’s own risk.
SSS carries Public Liability Insurance for members, but it is advisable that artists have their own public liability insurance to ensure peace of mind for everybody.

This is a locked, indoor venue.

Exhibition Volunteers
Key Dates

21 SEP - Deadline for applications
14 OCT - Acceptance confirmed
21 NOV - Set-up 10.00am - 2.00pm
24 NOV - Exhibition ends 4.00pm
25 NOV - Take-down 10.00am – 1.00pm


TO APPLY go to the Exhibitions page during the Application window.



West Horsley Place, Epsom Road, West Horsley, Leatherhead, UK


To apply to enter this exhibition, please click the appropriate buttons.  Forms will open in a new window. 

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