Landmark 2021
We are sad to report that The Sculpture Showcase at the Landmark Arts Centre has been cancelled due to the Centre being closed during lockdown and beyond. The Committee is looking into the possibility of a virtual exhibition and news on that will be following very soon, so watch this space.
Friday 26 February 2021
Sunday 7 March 2021

The power of art is well known to transform. The Landmark Arts Centre is now in its 25th year of transformation from a 19th Century Church of gothic proportions. It is a beautiful, large space with vaulted ceilings.
We are delighted that February 2021 sees the return of the Surrey Sculpture Society to the Landmark Arts Centre in Teddington – this year with a bumper event extended in both time and footprint!
Previously just a weekend exhibition, this year, we have a full nine days in which to show case not only our work but also our talent and our creative practice within the historic buildings and grounds of this Teddington landmark. This is a rare opportunity to exhibit 2D and 3D work together and, this year to exhibit both indoors and out, with a small outdoor sculpture trail being incorporated into the event for the first time. With such an outstanding opportunity, we hope that every one of our artists will take the opportunity to apply for this, our Sculpture Showcase.
Our own Teresa Wells [ ] will be exhibiting her bronze sculptures with us this year as our Signature Artist and will be sharing insights into her practice with us during the event.
We are well aware that given the current situation, things may change and flex in the run up to this event, but please join us in thinking positively about all our future events and help us make the most of the opportunities which we are striving to create for the benefit of all our members.
Applications: 2D and 3D; Indoor and Out. Applications will be accepted for indoor 3D work of any size – as long as a work will fit through the doors, anything goes! For those of you who also produce two-dimensional work, then as long as you submit a 3D application as well, we would love to see your applications to exhibit your drawings and paintings with us too.
As mentioned above, there will also be a very limited amount of outdoor space with a new sculpture trail incorporated into the event. (There will be room for approximately 6 large pieces). Unfortunately, the outdoor trail is not secure and pieces will therefore be exhibited at the artist’s own risk, with work taken down by the artist on a daily basis if they are unhappy to leave it out on an unsecured site overnight. (Limited storage is available.) If your work is selected for outdoor use, then the Exhibition Manager will contact you separately to ensure that you are aware of and happy with the conditions of exhibiting in the outdoor trail.
Showcase your talent. We genuinely want this event to be a sculpture showcase and as such, we want to invite our members to demonstrate their outstanding talent to the public both to inform and to inspire the local community. Within the usual list of volunteer tasks, you will therefore see two new items asking for both “artists in action” and “demonstrators”. On weekdays, visitors will be able to watch our “Artists in Action” at work in the venue, whilst at weekends our “demonstrators” will give a more active demonstration of their sculptural practice, by presenting to an audience.
Be part of the team. This event is run solely by us and as such, we require stewarding throughout the event to manage the building, serve refreshments and operate our sales desk. Each exhibiting artist will be asked to undertake four stewarding sessions (each session being 3.5 hours) over the course of the nine days with full training given to everyone beforehand. Please fill out one of the stewarding forms as well as your application to exhibit. This is a requirement for all applicants.
As usual, we ask you to submit very good quality photos of your sculptures. This is doubly important as the selected pieces may feature on signage leading to the exhibition. When you save your photos before uploading them, please name your photos “First Name_Family Name_Title of Artwork”. (Please note the change in naming convention from previous exhibitions.)
We are very much looking forward to receiving your applications by Thursday 10 December and, health regulations permitting, I hope we all get to see each other at Landmark in February.
Many thanks and kind regards,
Caroline Wheaton - Exhibition Manager
Exhibition Volunteers
Key Dates
1 NOV – Applications open
10 DEC – Application deadline.
20 DEC – Notification to artists
5 FEB – Deadline for sales details
26 FEB - Set Up & Private View
27 FEB - Opens to the public
07 MAR - Exhibition closes
07 MAR - Take down