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Spring Annual Artists Talk 2022

Wednesday 16 March 2022
7:00 pm


Free to SSS members and students. Guests are welcome.

Rob Mulholland MRSS is a sculptor and environmental artist based in Scotland who exhibits in the UK and abroad. His practice explores the complex relationship between humans and the natural world. He and his wife and business partner, Susan, built up Arcadia Sculpture Centre and sculpture trail. Do visit his website.

His talk has been specially prepared for our annual artist lecture. He will talk about past projects including mental health and wellbeing, how environmental art can connect us with nature, the vision of Arcadia and development of it.

Free to SSS members and students. Guests are welcome.

Register for tickets below by end Saturday 12th March for meeting details to be sent to you.




Total spaces available for this event - 



​Spaces are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Should there be insufficient interest, we reserve the right to cancel or rearrange this event.   


To register your interest in this event, please enter your name and email address and click Register.


We will contact you in due course to confirm your place and provide further details if applicable.  Please note that registering does not guarantee a place. 


Details submitted here are used only for the purposes of administering this event and are not used for any other purpose.


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Janet Morton

07946 478046

Current Registrations
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